

We strive for continuous improvement. For our technological direction, we are organized in Tech Guilds. We use technologies and frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Git, ElasticSearch, Python, AWS, Redis, MySQL, Cordova, Vue, Angular.

Yes, we help find candidates a job, but also offer numerous online tooling for personal development and support throughout their careers. We do this with the latest technologies. For example, we use machine learning to automatically match candidates with the job that best suits their skills and competencies. We do this based on historical data from selections of nearly four million candidates from different countries.

  • Training possibilities to improve your skills;
  • A good employment package including a favourable pension and bonus scheme, travel allowance, 25 vacation days, 6.5 ADV days (reduced working hours), 1 extra holiday and various incentive programmes;
  • A job which gives you the opportunity to further develop yourself as a programmer;
  • Flexible hours;
  • You will have a Macbook at your disposal and are free to work using the tools that you feel comfortable with;
  • You will get to work in a young team which recognises the need for relaxation, such as a round of gaming, playing table tennis, foosball or even doing boot camp;
  • A great working atmosphere where hard work and play go hand in hand. For example, our YoungCapital parties are legendary.

  • Experience creating RESTful APIs
  • ​A few years experience with node.js, but JavaScript isn’t the only language you know.
  • Familiarity with ES6+ features
  • Git & Code reviews
  • Experience with build tools & module bundlers (webpack/gulp/grunt/…)
  • Experience with Unit testing & continuous integration
  • Experience with modern CSS frameworks (Stylus/SCSS/LESS/PostCSS)
  • Fluent in HTML5, CSS3
  • It’s a great advantage if you have:
  • Experience with multiple front-end frameworks and technologies – React / Vue
  • Experience with TypeScript / FlowType

YoungCapital is a kick starter of fresh talent in the business sector. We connect highly educated, young, talented people to employers, during their studies, after graduating or as young professionals. These people are the key drivers of innovation in businesses. That is why we help them conquer the labour market under several different labels: YoungCapital, StudentJob International and YoungCapital Professionals. Our over five million candidates in eight different countries make ours the biggest network of talented young people in Europe. Our clients range from small and medium-sized enterprises to multinationals and even the government. You will be working in a young company with passionate co-workers, and together you will strive to always achieve the best result! Are you curious to see what YoungCapital is all about? For more information, go to www.youngcapital.nl.

If you’re interested, fill out an online application straight away by clicking the application button or send your CV and cover letter to Roos Meij at r.meij@youngcapital.nl. Curious to see what more we have to offer? Check out www.youngcapital.nl/werken-bij.




VacatureID: 188227474
Gemaakt op: 2018-03-21 05:43:33
Reverentie: 560401

Siriusdreef 12
2132WT Hoofddorp
(+31) 020 – 44 63 378

Over YoungCapital

YoungCapital helpt jongeren hun potentieel te ontdekken en te ontwikkelen. Want jong talent is het groeikapitaal dat elk bedrijf nodig heeft. Met hun frisse kijk en eindeloze energie kunnen ze de wereld veroveren. Als digital natives hebben ze nieuwe ideeën over werken. Ze zijn ambitieus, creatief, flexibel en connected. Ze jagen vernieuwing aan bij organisaties. Bij YoungCapital doen we er alles aan om het beste naar boven te brengen bij jongeren en bedrijven, zodat ze elkaar blijven stimuleren tot groei. Wij zijn connected @ heart en made of energy. Dat voel je als je bij ons binnenstapt. Oh, en we hebben plezier in wat we doen. Dat maakt het verschil.